For a gesture that will never be forgotten and a gift that’s sure to last, send your loved one a box of roses that last a year from our preserved roses collection. Exuding love and luxury, these exceptional small box arrangements include16 forever roses that are assembled with our finest preserved roses and perfectly arranged by our talented team of florists. Additionally, the small round box of long lasting roses offers the opportunity to be creative with customization options that allow you to create an arrangement that perfectly speaks to the recipient’s specific tastes and preferences. This is a gift that’s sure to brighten up a room and put a smile on your loved one’s face.
For a gesture that will never be forgotten and a gift that’s sure to last, send your loved one a box of roses that last a year from our preserved roses collection. Exuding love and luxury, these exceptional small box arrangements include16 forever roses that are assembled with our finest preserved roses and perfectly arranged by our talented team of florists. Additionally, the small round box of long lasting roses offers the opportunity to be creative with customization options that allow you to create an arrangement that perfectly speaks to the recipient’s specific tastes and preferences. This is a gift that’s sure to brighten up a room and put a smile on your loved one’s face.
Box Material: Suede - Classic
Lifespan: 1 Year+
Box Dimensions: 7" x 7 x 5"
All orders are processed within 1 to 2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped.
Shipping option |
Delivery time |
Ground |
3-5 business days |
Express |
2-3 business days |
Priority |
1-2 business days |
Do NOT water the roses! Using any water will immediately damage the roses.
Do NOT expose the roses to direct sunlight. UV-light may cause color bleaching.
If dust collects, gently clean with a soft duster or a stream of dry air.
Keep the arrangement in a room temperature, humidity free environment.
Do NOT place anything on top of the roses as they are very delicate.
Do NOT remove the roses from their box, the roses are secured and are happy there.
You may place the lid on the side or bottom of the box.
Be mindful when carrying the arrangement as it is very delicate.
Every single Don de Fleurs rose is hand-picked from our farm in Ecuador and specially packaged for our store. This ensures only the most beautiful flowers for our customers.
With our proprietary preservation process, the pristine quality of our floral arrangements will look amazing all year round. To maintain the beauty of your flowers, all you have to do is follow our detailed care instructions.
Speak with one of our expert floral designers to create the perfect box for your occasion.
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